The Troy Chamber of Commerce began their first 2022 meeting via ZOOM at noon on Wednesday, January 5. Those in attendance included: Zachary Gates, Veronica Seymour, Elizabeth Card, Rachel Heitzenrater, Scot Sample, Trish Wilkinson, Susan Storch, Bryan Seymour, Robyn Cummings, Mike Bridgham, Lori Barnett, Bonnie Seeley, Tara Freeman, Gayle Morse, Amy Ward. A motion to approve the previous month’s minutes was made by Cummings and seconded by Veronica Seymour. For the treasurer’s report, Card noted $40,495.50 in the regular checking, $5,626.76 in the money market and $2,000 in restricted donations after a $1,000 donation from E-Tech. It was also noted that the 2021 year ended with 83 members total. Meetings for the 2022 year were set for the first Wednesday of every month at noon, with locations to be determined or unless otherwise rescheduled. A list of vacancies for locations will be sent out to members for their review and hopeful participation. Committee reports
For committee reports, Gates noted calls he’d received for more Hometown Heroes banners. He asked the chamber to think about doing a new set of banners at the end of 2022. Card reported merchandise current and old sold somewhat at Hometown Christmas. Announcements For the Tourism and Promotion Agency, Cummings reported the annual guide is finished. She also noted that the Room Tax grant checks have gone out. They are finishing up the last of the panels for the mural. A digital passport is being finalized as well as a gravel bike route with the Endless Mountains Visitor’s Bureau and Endless Mountains Heritage Region. Two additional digital passports will be launched in their first quarter as well as the local goods guide. Cummings also noted the passing of the Greater Valley’s Elanor Hill. For the Lions Club, Bridgham noted the completed walkway project with added lighting, located near Dandy Mini Mart and Tops. He also reported 220 Christmas baskets, 358 volunteer hours, more than 400 gifts to children and more than 400 adults receiving food from the Lions Club this holiday season. The club will be partnering with the Troy Rotary Club for a spaghetti supper on the second Monday of each month at the Presbyterian Church from 4:30-6:30 p.m. Dine in and take-out are available. Benches will be replaced throughout the borough by the Lions Club. The Lions Club foundation also has an upcoming meeting on Thursday, Jan. 13, at 6 p.m. The foundation has an all-year round grant program that can be found on their website or by email. The Troy Sale Barn will have a Winter Dance Fundraiser on Saturday, Jan. 15, from 6-10 p.m. Tickets are on sale now for $40. Contact [email protected] for tickets or see a member. Veronica Seymour also noted the Sale Barn’s anniversary, June 4, 2022. Archery League is coming back to the Sale Barn soon. The library reported a successful Christmas book sale. Storch also noted their monthly book club every second Tuesday at 7 p.m. at the library. For Troy Area School District, Freeman noted that they would like to continue partnering with local Troy businesses with job shadowing for their special education students. She also noted they received a Transitions Discovery grant and she will be sending out a survey to ask for data on the needs of local businesses. Christmas decorations are anticipated to be taken down Sunday, Jan. 16, at 7 a.m. Meet in the back of Hoover’s. The chamber of commerce elected officers for the 2022 year. Veronica Seymour motioned with Bridgham seconding for Zachary Gates to be president. Gates accepted the position on the notion that this will be his last year as President. He would like to see someone else in the position. Veronica Seymour motioned with Robyn Cummings seconding for Bonnie Seeley to be Vice President. Robyn Cummings motioned with Veronica Seymour seconding for Elizabeth Card to be treasurer. Veronica Seymour motioned with Elizabeth Card seconding for Rachel Heitzenrater to be secretary. Committee members were also appointed for the year. For events, Cummings and Seeley were appointed. For car show, Veronica Seymour and Bridgham were appointed. For Hometown Heroes, Gates, Morse and Cummings were appointed. For merchandise, Card and Veronica Seymour were appointed. Gates motioned to combine advertising and website committees into one, named public outreach. Veronica Seymour seconded and the motion was carried. For public outreach, Ward, Cummings and Heitzenrater were appointed. For membership, Card and Michelle Ayers were appointed. For budget, Card, Veronica Seymour, Gates, Dennis Beardslee, and Ward were appointed. For person/business of the year, Lee Preston, Wilkinson and Cummings were appointed. Membership dues and applications for 2022 were discussed next, with costs of: $165 for financial institutions, $115 for large businesses of 20 or more employees, $90 for medium businesses of 5-20 employees, $65 for small businesses with less than 5 employees and $15 for non-profits. However, Veronica Seymour motioned to extend the waiver of dues this year, due to the hardship of COVID. Cummings seconded the motion and the motion was carried unanimously. Card reminded chamber members to please return their form this year even if there is no payment due to the waiver. For speaker ideas, Cummings asked the chamber about doing another joint meeting with the Canton Chamber of Commerce in July and having a speaker again. Gates asked the chamber if they were interested in himself going to a Troy Borough Council meeting in support of another part-time police officer. He then asked if chamber would give him the authority to offer a donation for the paid position. Discussion took place on whether the chamber felt there was a need for another officer. Bridgham asked if there was a budget for the position planned with council. Freeman noted that she would rather see another local position on the police force rather than the need for state police to come to town to address crime, because of their slow response time due to being farther away. Barnett noted from the hospital perspective that the state police ask local to come to the hospital because they are closer than state police barracks. No action on this topic was taken. The meeting adjourned at 12:53 p.m. Comments are closed.
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